Skema Business School

Découvrez Skema Business School et son offre de formations.

Skema business School en quelques mots...

SKEMA Business School is a Global Management School with 9,000 students and over 120 nationalities. Ranked Nationally (Top 5 in France) and Internationally (Ranked FT 2019: 3rd MSc Financial markets and Investment, Master in Management 12th worldwide)

The school is present on 7 sites: 3 campuses in France (Lille, Sophia-Antipolis, Paris), 1 in China (Suzhou), 1 in the United States (Raleigh), 1 in Brazil (Belo Horizonte) and 1 in South Africa (Cape Town -Stellenbosch)

Undergraduate, graduate and post graduate programs 100% in English or French MSC programs with 19 specializations (Finance, Marketing, Management, Luxury, Artificial Intelligence…) and many more SKEMA is multi-accredited -Equis, AACSB and EFMD Accredited EMBA

Its programmes are recognized in France (Visa, Master Degree, RNCP, CGE label), as well as in the United States (licensing), Brazil (certificação) and China. Alumni network with 48,000 graduates in 145 countries Careers centre on each campus for career orientation, recruitment fairs, corporate events and paid internship and job offers. SKEMA Ventures is dedicated to student entrepreneurship.

It offers a unique value chain that allows each SKEMA student to think, design, test and launch a project in a global context, in six innovative territories on four continents, benefiting from the best of each local ecosystem.

There are over 65 student clubs and societies on SKEMA’s campuses.


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